A new version of Unladen Follow is now live. Over the holidays, I received a lot of awesome feedback from users and beta testers, as well as some insight from using it myself. The focus of v2 is researching a potential followee, rather than simply your current ones. Changes include:
User detail pages give you linkable details about one Twitterer.
“What If” lets you see where a user would rank in your list. ((You can also use this as a trick to update the score of a user you follow using more data.))
Your followees list now only shows the loudest users by default.
The algorithms now completely ignore @replies. ((In general, your followers won’t see your @replies so they’re not annoying. It would be nice to only count @replies that you can’t see, but now that there’s parts of the app that don’t require authentication, that’s not feasible.))
A logout mechanism.
A diagram to explain why I created an unfollow helper anyway.
I was tempted to wait for in-app unfollow and more robust error handling before launch, but I’ve been too busy to add much in the last couple weeks. What do you think of what’s live so far?